
Monday, January 11, 2016

Kenapa Mesti Visa Penduduk Tetap?

Saya menerima soalan secara tidak langsung daripada beberapa orang rakan, mengapa saya mesti memohon visa Penduduk Tetap, kenapa tidak visa bekerja sahaja? Mungkin kerana visa Penduduk Tetap itu kelihatan seperti ingin menetap selama-lamanya di Australia dan tidak mahu kembali lagi. Oh tidak, itu bukan definasi yang betul tentang visa ini. Visa Penduduk Tetap dan warganegara mempunyai maksud dan kepentingan berbeza. Pemegang visa Penduduk Tetap di Australia atau mana-mana negara lain merupakan warganegara negara yang lain. Jika dia sudah menjadi warganegara Australia, dia tidak lagi memegang visa Penduduk Tetap tetapi dikenali sebagai rakyat Australia.

Saya masih warganegara dan rakyat Malaysia tetapi hanya memegang visa Penduduk Tetap Australia. Visa ini membenarkan saya dan keluarga menetap dan bekerja di Australia dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan dalam visa. Visa bersifat tetap dan tidak perlu dimohon semula apabila telah tamat tempoh, hanya perlu diperbaharui sahaja, sama seperti kita memperbaharui lesen kereta atau pasport. Apabila diperbaharui, visa akan dikenali sebagai Resident Return Visa. 

Pemegang visa ini mempunyai hak yang hampir sama seperti warganegara Australia. Hanya ada sedikit sahaja perbezaaan iaitu tidak boleh mengundi pada pilihanraya dan tidak boleh memegang jawatan dalam perkhidmatan awam dan ketenteraan. Antara kelebihan memiliki visa PR ialah pendidikan percuma, kos rawatan kesihatan yang ditanggung oleh kerajaan, bantuan elaun keluarga, pelbagai subsidi, yuran pengajian tinggi seperti rakyat tempatan dan pelbagai lagi. Jika memegang visa pekerja, manfaat ini tidak akan dapat dinikmati. 

Berikut merupakan penjelasan lanjut mengenai manfaat memgang visa PR yang dipetik daripada artikel Benefits of becoming an Australian PERMANENT RESIDENT di Linkedin.

You will initially find it difficult to specify these benefits but here are some of the RIGHTS and BENEFITS that you and your family can enjoy once you are granted a Permanent Residence Visa in Australia.
  1. RIGHT TO LIVE IN AUSTRALIA INDEFINITELY. A permanent visa entitles you to travel in and out of the country all you want for the length of your visa (usually 5 years). Even if it has expired, you can remain in the country indefinitely BUT can’t travel out. If you still want to travel, you’ll need a Resident Return Visa.
  2. FREEDOM TO WORK. The next important aspect of permanent residence is the aspect of work permit. Permanent residents can work for any employer in any occupation. But, working in the Public Service or Armed forces is strictly restricted to the Australian Citizens. This, however, does not distinguish the industrial laws between the permanent residents and citizens. Permanent residents enjoy the same benefits under these laws as the citizens. They can become a part of trade unions and can claim worker’s compensation.
  3. FREEDOM TO TRAVEL. Once you become an Australian Permanent Resident, you will have the freedom to travel in and out of Australia for the duration of your visa which is normally five years. If your visa expires, you will still be eligible to stay in the country but will not be able to leave Australia without a Resident Return Visa. You are also permitted to freely enter and leave New Zealand.
  4. UNLIMITED FREEDOM TO PURSUE HIGHER EDUCATION. There are certain education loans that are available only to permanent residents aside from the various options to choose when it comes to University education. These loans are extremely helpful in managing your financial crisis that may arise due to the additional expenses associated with your study. Under the Higher Education Support Act 2003, only Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa holders can access the Higher Education Loans Program (HELP) and the associated discount for up-front payments.
  5. ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY FOR AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP. There is a set of requirements to be met for getting a permanent citizenship in Australia, which is the ultimate permanency that an individual can hope to achieve. This status can only be granted to one who is an Australian Permanent Resident.
  6. AUSTRALIAN-BORN CHILDREN. Children of permanent residents who are born in Australia are deemed Australian citizens by birth. This will be one great advantage because they will enjoy the maximum benefits in the field of education and health care.
  7. PRIVILEGE TO SPONSOR. Permanent residents can also sponsor their relatives for acquisition of permanent residence.
  8. HEALTHCARE ENTITLEMENT & SOCIAL WELFARE BENEFITS. You are eligible for Medicare which is a comprehensive coverage which covers all the possible aspects of healthcare possible. You will also qualify for cheaper health insurance. Once you are an Australian Permanent Resident, you will also be entitled to use Centrelink which is a master program of the Department of Human Services run by the government of Australia which is dedicated to social security payment disbursement. The social security benefits given out by this department extends to students, families, retirees, unemployed, parents and people with disabilities.
  9. FIRST HOME OWNER GRANT. For the purchase of a first home, an Australian Permanent citizen will receive a $7,000 incentive and waiver of stamp duty. Furthermore, the restrictions of the Foreign Investment Review Board imposed on purchase of residential property no longer apply (you are now no longer officially considered a foreigner).
  10. CREDIT RATING. Once you become Australian Permanent Resident, your credit rating immediately goes up. You will be in a better position for approval of home loans, car loans, personal loans, credit cards and so on.


shafarina said...

Awak boleh sponsor saya mohon pr

Unknown said...

Kalau boleh, memang nakkkk sangat sponsor awak.

Mrs.Irene Query said...
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Anonymous said...

Salam, macam mana cara dapatkan visa permanent residence ye.. boleh guide saya tak caranya..terima kasih..

Unknown said...

hai acik... saya ingin bertanya cara2 untuk mendapatkan visa tetap (PR) sbb sy, suami dan anak berada di australia hampir 3 tahun, tapi masih memegang bridging visa sampai skrg dan kesukaran anak sy utk bersekolah dan sebagainya.

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